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Hi, my name is Laura and I found myself a new passion that brings me a lot of joy - writing. For now I´m writing about One Direction but maybe over a time I will write about someone else. Who knows. :) I hope you liked, like and will like my stories and if so, please write comments. I´m really grateful for them because they are giving me the strenght and the fancy to write more and more. Thank you so much :) :-* FB - https://www.facebook.com/vojtekova.laura ... TT - https://twitter.com/LauraVojtek ... FB fanpage - https://www.facebook.com/LaliStories?ref=hl ... Ask.fm -http://ask.fm/LauraVojtek

streda 16. júla 2014

First Week In LONDON

Soooo ... I asked you, guys, if you would like to know my impressions and things from my life in London. Most of you were positive, so I decided to try it out. 
P.S.: Check out the new website with stories → http://blog-yummy.blogspot.co.uk/

As you know, if you read my latest posts, I am in the UK, in London. Yeah, a dream coming true, right? I feel like that, too, but I am kinda scared of what it will be like in September when I will start at my uni. Hopefully, everything will go great. I have been writing that I have applied to Queens Mary, which is the only university in London that has its own campus right in the middle of the city. Amazing, right? I don't have to travel across the town to get to my lectures. I am pretty excited. So, these weekend, I got an e-mail from UCAS that sth (something) has changed in my profile. I logged in to see what it wa and I found out that I had been unconditionally accepted to the uni and that they are holding me a place. I started to scream from excitement so probably the whole street was wondering what is going on. But I didn't care. I was really happy and immediately I called my parents to share that great news with them. So now I am officially studying at British university in London. How cool? 
Apart from my uni, some of you may be wondering how I got here and why I am in London so here is my confession. As I applied to universities in January, I knew I will be going to London much sooner to secure a job during semester and to save some money in advance. Unfortunately, after my Maturita exams I have been really 'busy' and I've been a bit postponing it. At first I wanted to go right after my exams but then I decided to wait till Dobry festival, which is a small festival in Presov where I live (this year there was a megastar there, Steven Seagal :D yeah ... and tickets were raised by 20 euros. Fortunately, I had my ticket for free - lots of contacts ;) ), and to make a real 'goodbye party' there. However, later I found out that a week after there was this event called Den hviezd and I am sure that those who love hockey had heard about it. I was really surprised that this event took place in Harichovce near Spisska Nova Ves, which is really close to Presov, so obviously, I had to go there and see my darlings. So the day of my departure was set on the beginning of July and I could finally book some accommodation. Like it was so easy. I have found this one company call EasyLondon, it is Czecho-Slovak company, that was offering shared houses in London. However, the deal was that until 21st July they have no room for me. I was devastated as my parents were leaving on 7th July and until they come back, I couldn't go. Fortunately, I found another Czecho-Slovak company offering accommodation in London and they had a place for me from 5th July. I agreed and sent them any detail they needed. I booked a flight from Kosice as it is now the cheapest way to London via Hungarian Airlines WizzAir. Now that everything was set I could concentrate on my beloved hockey players. 
We bought tickets in advance as I thought there will be a lot of people. I have been to one event in Demjata, where Slovak football stars like Hamsik, Skrtel, Sapara, Sestak and others came to play an exhibition match. Although I don't really like football I went there with my family and took a few photos with these stars. I might never see them again. (Note: I will put some photos below.) Back to the hockey players, they were also playing football but it was much more interesting as I knew more than a half of them - Trto, Jurco, Janus, Hudackovci, Hrivik, Viedensky, Skokan, Nagy, Panik, Lapsansky and a few I didn't know about like Janosik, Pavlikovsky and some guy whose name I don't remember. After the half-time everybody went crazy and I was one of the crowd. I ran right to Tomas Tatar as he was the one I wanted to see the most. We (I, my father as the photographer and my friend Natalia) came to the booth where they were sitting. Hrivik was out there taking photos with some fans so I took a photo with him and went to look for Trto. I found him a second later sitting on the bench with other guys. Nobody cared about him. So I came closer, smiled and asked him, if he would take a photo with me. He said that Marek is taking photos with fans but I shook my head that I already have a photo with him. He was kinda surprised that I knew who he was talking about as most of those girls knew only their surnames. Real fans, huh? I was like somebody would call for Harry just Styles without knowing his first name. Absurd. Finally, he agreed and stood up when this little bitch came to him and grabbed him by his shoulder that she wants to take a photo with him. Suddenly, he pulled his arm back to him and said that I am the first one as he promised that to me. I was in the seven heaven. Like, literally. We took a photo, he gave me his autograph on my hockey jersey and I could go to others. I almost got a photo with everyone and I had never been happier in my life. I also took a photo with Tomas Jurco, which I couldn't take my eyes off during the whole match as he was the cutest player there - I absolutely adore him. Then the second half of the match began and after everything we again run to the players for autographs. When I took a photo with Jaro Janus, I forgot to gave him my jersey so I went straight to him. He said that they are still playing. They were kicking penalties, but he still signed my jersey. I wished him luck and he smiled at me with thanks. After it was all over, there was a raffle (tombola - toto som ani ja nevedela ale Google pomohol :D) and the main three prizes were the hockey jersey with the signatures of all players, the hockey stick of Jan Laco and the hockey stick of Tomas Tatar. Everybody certainly wanted the third prize at most. As they were telling number and other prizes, suddenly they called a number 841 which was Natalia's number. I turned back to her but she wasn't paying attention. A screamed at her that she had won and she was like waking up asking what's going on. As I told her that she won a lawn-mower, she was shoked and refused to go and take a prize as it was humiliating. I was laughing so hard my stomach really hurt but I couldn't stop. Finally she went there and took a prize and I was still laughing my ass off. Unfortunately, any of us didn't won the stick of jersey. Later was 'autogramiada' but as I had already had my autographs, I  didn't need to go. My little sister was left there to take a few cards with their signatures and we left. Was any of you there? If yes, you will surely agree that it was ... AWESOME!
Now, back to England and London. On 5th July I was packed and ready to go to the airport. My parent prolonged their holidays in Bulgaria and decided to go from the airport straight there, two days earlier. As we were packing things to the car, my friend/boyfriend called me and said that he is in front of my block of flats, that he needed to see me for the last time, even if just for a second. How cute! :3 When we finally left Presov, I wasn't paying much attention and suddenly we were at the airport. When I gave them my luggage, I said my last goodbyes to my parent and my little sister and went through the control where I had to pick every electronics out (of course I had it at bottom) and I also had to take off my shoes as there are some metal pieces on them. I won't be describing the flights or anything. When I came out of the airport in Luton, there was a guy waiting for me to take me to London as Luton is an hour away from London (in good traffic). 
So now I am here and I started to look for a job. I have applied to several companies via internet including McDonald's and that is probably where I'm going to work. If you are going to London, by chance, I will be working right on the Oxford Street so let me know :D. I have also received a call from one agency offering me a job during Lovebox Festival in Victoria Park and, of course, I said yes. But the mail she was supposed to send me wasn't delivered so I called her again this morning but I haven't received anything yet. I am going to give it a try again tomorrow because I really want to work there. The tickets for this festival cost around 50 - 60 pound per day so it is going to be sth. Even though I don't know any singer or a band performing there. Nevermind. 
So that's all I guess. I certainly forgot something important I wanted to share with you but I cannot remember now so maybe I will make another post. And as to the next episode of my story, hopefully, I will post it here by the end of the week, so by Sunday night. Goodbye my beautiful friends. Have a nice day ;)

Martin Skrtel
Stanislav Sestak

Marek Hamsik (krasna momentka rovno do bulvaru :D)

Junior z dvojice Junior & Marcel
where I live now :)
view of London from Primrose Hill :3 lovely, right?

nedeľa 13. júla 2014

Challenge 25

Since I have already started  this chapter before, i decided to finish it in Slovak ... I still don't know what will be next and in what language I will be writing. But hopefelly, I will figure that out soon :) enjoy

„Improvizujeme,“ zasmiala sa Emma a pobrala sa za deťmi. Na chvíľu som ostal stáť a zamyslel som sa. Už som dlhšie nemohol popierať tú zmenu, ktorá vo mne nastala. Možno som tomu nerozumel, no bolo to tam. Zmenil som sa. Z prelietavého chalana, ktorý potreboval slobodu a party sa stal ... niekto iný. Netušil som kto. Nevedel som to charakterizovať, no vnútri som cítil, že je to zmena k lepšiemu. Cítil som sa, akoby som dospel. Uvedomil som si, že rebríček hodnôt v mojom živote sa zmenil. Odrazu som nepotreboval chodiť po baroch a spávať každú noc s niekým iným. Nepotreboval som si tak užíval svoju mladosť.
A keď som sa pokúsil nájsť príčinu tejto zmeny, pred očami sa mi objavil jediný obraz – Emma. Ona priniesla túto zmenu do môjho života. Iste, nestal som sa zo dňa na deň oteckovým typom. Predsa len som mal 23 a život pred sebou. No už to nebolo tak silné. Namiesto viacerých žien tam už bola len jedna jediná. A s ňou aj jej deti. Teda, synovec s neterou. Vedel som, že ak chcem byť s ňou, musím byť aj s nimi. No nevadilo mi to. Ani najmenej. A tak som sa pobral do obývačky a zapojil som sa do debaty.

O dva týždne
„Ahoj,“ otvorila mi s úsmevom Emma dvere ich domu a ja som vošiel dnu. „O chvíľu sme hotoví. Nechceš počkať v obývačke?“
„Postojím,“ odvetil som a prišiel som bližšie k nej. „No bozk na privítanie by nezaškodil,“ uškrnul som sa a pritiahol som si ju za pás k sebe. Emma sa zasmiala a vtisla mi krátky bozk na pery.
„Musím ísť skontrolovať Kimmy. Určite si do toho batôžteka pobalila všetky hračky.“
„Budem čakať,“ usmial som sa a pustil ju. Sledoval som ju, ako vybehla hore po schodoch a na perách mi svietil úsmev. Ešte stále som nedokázal uveriť všetkému, čo sa v mojom živote stalo a ako som sa zmenil. Samozrejme, že si to všimli aj ľudia okolo mňa a začali vyzvedať, takže prakticky celý svet už vedel o mojom vzťahu s Emmou aj o Kim a Theovi. Nie všetci to vzali tak dobre ako chalani, ktorí boli zo mňa nadšení a doslova skákali po plafón, že som konečne dospel. V novinách písali nie veľmi pozitívne články či už o mne, o nás alebo len o Emme. Obdivoval som ju, ako to zvláda. Mala silnú povahu a tie deti jej k tomu určite dopomohli. Vedel som, že ju niečo také ako klebety len tak ľahko nezlomí.
„Ahoj, Theo,“ pozdravil som Thea, keď prešiel okolo mňa vonku, no on len niečo zamrmlal popod nos a nasadol na zadné sedadlo auta. Netušil som, čo mu je, keďže sme spolu doposiaľ vychádzali celkom dobre. Dúfal som, že je to len nejaká drobnosť a čoskoro ho to prejde.
„Môžeme ísť,“ zišla dole Emma aj s Kimmy, ktorá, len čo ma uvidela, rozbehla sa do môjho náručia.
„Harry!“ zvýskla radostne a silno ma stískala okolo krku, keď som ju dvihol na ruky. Emma sa len spokojne usmiala a prešla s cestovnou taškou okolo mňa a dala ju do kufra. Kim mi zatiaľ rozprávala o svojom dni v škôlke, a ja som ju medzitým pripásal do sedačky v aute. Musel som priznať, že som bol celkom prekvapený, ako rýchlo si na mňa zvykla, a že ma mala rada. Bál som sa, že práve ona bude tým najväčším problémom medzi mnou a Emmou. No zdalo sa, že zatiaľ tu žiaden problém nie je, a tak som nemal na výber len sa šťastne usmievať a tešiť sa zo všetkého, čo mi život zatiaľ priniesol.
Len čo bola Kim poriadne pripútaná vzadu, sadol som si za volant a naštartoval motor. A náš výlet sa mohol začať. Možno to bolo odvážne ísť niekam spolu tak skoro, no cítil som, že to bude fungovať, a tak som sa odhodlal a pozval Emmu aj s deťmi na víkend do hôr na chatu, ktorú vlastnia moji rodičia. Nebolo to nič prepychové a veľké. Len obyčajná drevená chalúpka uprostred lesa bez internetu a iných technických vymožeností. Signál tam síce bol, no len na jedinom mieste v chate, na čo som aj upozornil Emmu. Na moje prekvapenie ju to práveže nadchlo a dúfala, že budeme mať všetci čas sa dobre spoznať, keďže tam dokopy nebude nič, kam by sa dalo utiecť.
Po dvoch hodinkach cesty sme zabocili na lesnu cestu, ktora nas mala zaviest az priamo pred chalupu. Vacsinu cesty sme sa rozpravali bud ja s Kim alebo s Emmou. Theo bol po cely cas ticho a neprehovoril ani slovo. Netusil som, co mu je, no povedal som si, ze na to pridem.
Len co sme zaparkovali na mieste, vysiel som von a nadychol sa cerstveho vzduchu. Otvoril som kufor a pomaly som zacal nosit tasky dovnutra, zatial co Emma odopla Kim a pustila ju na prehliadku domu.
„Kde sa mozem zbalit?“ opytal sa Theo bez zaujmu.
„Pokojne si chod vybrat nejaku izbu, ktora sa ti bude pacit,“ odvetil som s usmevom a nedal som sa jeho postojom rozhodit. Ved ono ho to prejde, pomyslel som si. Poukazoval som chatu Emme, kde sa co nachadza a ona navrhla, ze pripravi nieco na zahryznutie. Nenamietal som a rozhodol som sa ist po drevo na ohen. Kurenie sice fungovalo, no nedokazalo nahriat dom tak ako prijemny ohen v krbe. Rozhodol som sa, ze zavolam aj Thea. Vysiel som teda na poschodie, kde sa nachadzali izby a zaklopal som na jedine zatvorene dvere.
„No?“ ozvalo sa zvnutra a ja som vstupil.
„Idem nazbierat drevo na ohen. Nechces sa pridat?“
„Preco by sa mi malo chciet?“ pozrel na mna pichlavym pohladom.
„Urobil som ti nieco, cim si ma znenavidel?“ nevydrzal som to a opytal som sa otazku, ktora ma tazila.
„Fajn, idem s tebou po to drevo,“ prekrutil ocami a postavil sa. No tym, ze mi neodpovedal na moju otazku este viac zvacsil moju zvedavost, co sa to s nim deje. Bol som pevne rozhodnuty, ze to stoj co stoj zistim.
„Ako ide skola?“ opytal som sa ho po ceste do lesa.
„Fajn,“ odpovedal usecne.
„Si v poslednom rocniku, ak sa dobre pametam, vsak?“
„Pripravujes sa nejako na testy?“ nedal som sa odradit jeho odpovedami.
„Ani nie.“
„To poznam. Pametam sa, ked som to mal pred sebou ja. Vsetci do mna hucali, ze sa mam konecne zacat ucit, no ja som sa ani nehol.“
„Nehovor,“ riekol Theo otravene a ja som to uz nemohol vydrzat. Chytil som ho za rameno a otocil ho k sebe. Chcel som zachytit jeho pohlad, no on sa tvrdohlavo pozeral do zeme pred seba.
„Mozes mi, prosim ta, povedat, co ti je?“
„Preco by som sa ti mal spovedat? Co si moj otec?“ zdvihol tvrdohlavo hlavu a prepichol ma pohladom.
„Nie, nie som a nikdy som sa zanho ani nepovazoval. Nieco take by ma nenapadlo. Len som mal pocit, ze spolu vychadzame celkom v pohode. Tak co sa zmenilo?“ riekol som tentoraz miernejsim tonom.
„Nic,“ odpovedal Theo a vybral sa dalej do lesa, no ja som ho opat zastavil.
„Nevyzera to tak. Hocico sa deje, mne to mozes povedat. Nie som sice tvoj otec, no som tvoj priatel. Ide o dievcata, kamaratov, alebo som nieco spravil ja?“
Chvilu bolo mrtvolne ticho a nik z nas nepovedal ani pol slova. Cakal som, ci sa Theo osmeli a povie mi, co ho trapi. Nechcel som ho do nicoho tlacit. Uz som zacinal byt netrpezlivy, ked sa zrazu ozval.
„V podstate vsetko so vsetkym.“
„Ako to mam chapat?“ nerozumel som. Opat sa na chvilu rozhostilo tajuplne ticho, no tentoraz trvalo kratsie.
„Tym, ze si zacala chodit s Emmou a vsade sa o vas, a tym padom aj o mne a o Kim pisu rozlicne clanky, som momentalne tercom na skole. Vsetky dievcata za mnou saleju a chcu, aby som ich s tebou zoznamil, za co sa mi chalani posmievaju a neznasaju ma zaroven, kedze medzi tie dievcata patria aj ich priatelky a tak. Je toho na mna proste moc a ja neviem, ako sa s tym vyrovnat. Nemam tak silnu povahu ako Emma. Obcas to v sebe vsetko strasne dusim, len aby som nevybuchol a nevrhol sa na niekoho. Nechcem Emme sposobit viac problemov, ako uz ma. Ani pre nu to nie je lahke, vies, len sa jej asi lepsie dari popierat realitu,“ dokoncil svoju myslienku Theo a ja som nanho hladel s vyplestenymi ocami. Napadali ma vselijake moznosti, no tato nie a ja som nevedel, co spravit, aby som to napravil.

Rozbural som zivot Emme, Theovi aj Kim, ktora si to zatial este neuvedomovala. Vpadol som do ich sukromia a znicil som ho. Vsetko, co som nenavidel na slave, sa tentoraz tykalo aj ich. Nevsimal som si to, pretoze som sa uz voci tymto strankam popularity obrnil, no ked som si teraz uvedomil, cim prechadzaju, vedel som, ze to musim napravit. No ako?

utorok 8. júla 2014


I may not seem like that but I really am. I am alive! And I know what I said and that I didn't keep a promise and no excuses. But I am back and I hope you will forgive me, for my delay. 
Yes, I am writing in English because as we say: Na Slovensku po slovensky, then in the UK it will be in English. I know that many of you will not like it, but I need to practice before my uni and you can also practice with me. I am sure, your English will get better if you will read and listen in English. Trust me. My did. 
Sooo ... from the beginning
My Maturita exams finished 22 May and I promised I will be writing next episode of the story. However, my plans had changed a bit. To those, who are interested, I have passed with excellent mark (I do not want to brag about it), so I have met the conditions of my offer to English university. Back to the story. There were a few reasons, why I didn't write a new episode. First and most serious one, was my lack of imagination. I kinda had been experiencing something like "writer's block". My head and my mind was completely clear and without any ideas to continue the story. 
Other reasons, less important, were that I had to be filling out applications for my university, for my student loan and other things. And I have also been spending a quality time with my friends that I will not be seeing so often anymore. And also my boyfriend. Yes, I have a boyfriend. Well ... it's not really a relationship but I don't know how should I call him. We have been really close friends since April (reaaaaaally close, if you know what I mean ;) ) and we have spent a lot of time together. As we kept seeing each other, we found out how much we have in common and we kinda "fell in love" but we never said it out loud. Well .. I never did. Serious relationships are not really for me, especially not at the time when I am moving across the Europe for next three years. It is what it is and I really miss him. And my friends, too. 
But ... back to my excuses. I have been busy with enjoying my time back in Presov, Slovakia, as much as I could so I didn't really want to write .. and I had a "block" of course. Then, finally, came the day when I had to say goodbye to everything important in my life so far and I headed towards pursuing my dream. I still hadn't realised that I am moving for at least a half-year. It still feels like a vacancy. So I came here to London and I started to look for a job. Today was my first interview, not only here, but ever. It went okey but I didn't set my hopes high. As I already had a ticket for metro, I decides to utilize it and I went to Oxford Street ... not to go from one shop to another ... but to go to one specific shop - PRIMARK!
Although I have been to London before, and to Oxford Street too, I had the misfortune that our guide sent us the opposite way than was Primark. But today I have walk in there the first time in my life and ... it is exactly the chaos and mass of people as everybody talks about. But I didn' t care. I took a basket and everything I like I threw there. Then I waited about half an hour in a line just to find out that you can try on only 8 pieces of clothing and then you have to wait in line again to try another 8. So I choose the items that I couldn't try on between shelves and a bra and everything else I left in my basket. From those 8 items, I chose to buy only one and then I try on the cardigan, jeans shirt and a jersey. Everything was okey except for the shirt so I returned it. I went upstairs where was the department of shoes, accesories, bags and home accesories. I chose to buy one sandals, a set of French manicure for one pound and a bracelets for one pound, too. I also bought a scarf. There was a bunch of stuff I really liked but I couldn't spend all my money there, so I decided to buy only the essentials. I returned items like false lashes, cosmetic brushes or sunglasses, each for one pound. 
On my way back home, I have received a message that I have a new voice mail. Of course, I couldn't understand a word, as for the traffic and the noise than for the speed of the person talking. So I went home and played it again and then again. Finally I found out, that he asked me to call him back and I spent a lot of money for voice mail. I need to turn it off cos it took all my credit (I have a British number now - still Orange :D ). The man that has called me was one from the company I have applied for (the only thing I know is that it is catering company) but I didn't catch his name or the name of the company. Nevermind. I did an interview on the phone and then I reserved a date of my interview at another McDonald's for tomorrow. Hopefully, another week I will have a job. 
And now the MOST important news at the end of my confession. NEW PART! Yes, I will continue with the story. I haven't decided yet if it will be in Slovak or English, as I need to practice English (like I mentioned) and as I got used to English keybord and if I switch it to Slovak, words like zemiaky would look like yemiakz :D. Or maybe I could write in Slovak but without "diakritickych znamienok" (netusim, ako sa to povie po anglicky, kedze take ani nemaju). So till the end of the week, I will decide how will I continue with the story, in what language and what the next episode will be about and by Sunday evening you will have a continuation. Hope, you are happy and you have finished reading this as the most important information was the last. Seeya later ;)