Taaaaaak ... a je tu sľubovaná jednodielovka :) ale len prvá časť :) takže to vlastne nebude jednodielovka ale zase to nebude tak rozsiahle ako iné poviedky :) je to po anglicky, no samozrejme nie 100% správne :) určite sa tam nájde veľa chýb, no snažila som sa :) je to príbeh, do ktorého sa myslím že vžije každá z nás akoby snila nejaký krásny sen ... najmä fanynky Liama :) tak hurá do čítania ... hope you´ll like it ;-)
Part 1
I have a surprise for you!” I smiled at my little sister. Well, she´s
not so little. She´s 15 but to me she will always be little.
it today some special day or what?” she asked confused.
but maybe it will be,” I grinned. “Come,” I showed her the direction and she
moved. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of moving wheelchair on
a floor. Yes, my sister is disabled. She had a terrible accident on a bike a
year ago and since then … Her life has been hard but she deals with it very
went through the hall and stopped in front of the front-door.
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Tessa |
you can open them,” I said enthusiastically and waited for her reaction. At
first, she looked confused but then she noticed the sign in my hands.
myyyyyyy goddeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssss!!!!!” she screamed and covered her mouth with
hands. “You must me kidding!”
I´m not,” I laughed. “You won it.”
is incredible! I can´t believe it! It´s like a dream.”
it´s true,” I smiled and gave her the golden sign. What was there written? What
was she so excited about? She won Golden Ticket to One Direction concert in New
York. She loved them. Her room is full of posters, she bought all their albums
and tour DVD and couple of other things. As they announced that one fan can win
free tickets to their concert she couldn´t stop talking about how wonderful it
would be. And now she will live her dream.
can´t believe it,” she kept repeating it. She was so happy.
we take a photo of you?” asked the reporter.
course,” she smiled. “But … Tessa, could you help me sit down on a couch,
I responded and helped her. I knew why she wanted to sit there. She didn´t
wanted the world to know that she is disabled. I understood that. She wanted me
to take a photo with here so I hugged her and smiled. When they had everything
they wanted, they told us about the flight and how it will go on. After that
they left.
I looked at her.
will be absolutely the most amazing trip we´ve ever been to!” she smiled and I
was so happy for her.
At the airport
you have everything?” our mum asked.
we replied annoyed.
flight tickets, concert tickets ….”
We have everything. I will take care of her,” I said.
okay. Be careful,” she smiled and hugged us both. We waited for Chloe´s friend,
Vanessa, and we passed through all the controls. In the plane, we were sitting at
the back where the special seats for disabled were and Chloe and Vanessa kept
talking about One Direction. I wasn´t so interested in that talk so I put on my
headphones and listened to Maroon 5.
In the hotel
we actually got our room keys, we had to introduce ourselves at the reception
where was also the video camera and they two got 1D packages. I was so tired I
almost fell asleep when we stood before the video camera and they were talking
how big fan they are.
I´m Chloe, this is Vanessa and this is my sister Tessa. We´re from Norway and
to win this ticket I had to answer the 1D quiz and send pictures of my room
full of posters. It is really incredible to be here and we are so exciteeeed!”
that we finally went to our room and we started to unpack. I finished earlier
than two of them so I took my notebook and pencil and went outside the room. I
was looking for a calm place where I could draw so I went higher and higher
until there were no fans on the 18th floor.
sit down on the staircase and forget about the time. I was drawing some
pictures until I was woken up to the reality by slamming the door. I looked
around me a little bit scared and disoriented when the voice behind me
looked behind me and the person I saw just blew my breath away. It was Liam
Payne himself. But … he was taller and nicer than I thought. Suddenly my hands
started to sweat and my voice got stuck in my throat.
you … okay?” he asked politely.
… I´m fine,” I replied after a while.
I interrupted you?”
… I was just … “ I looked at my doodles and covered them with my hands.
It seems like you´ve been doing something,” he smiled and my heart skipped a
drawing some … things.”
I see them?” he smiled and sat down next to me. I was looking at his face and I
couldn´t move. He kept smiling and waited for me to show him my art.
I revived and unwillingly gave him my notebook. I looked down at my feet and
was quite embarrassed. What is happening
to me? It´s just a normal boy! I thought but it wasn´t like that. He had
special voice and he was famous. Just as his four friends. I heard him say
something but I wasn´t paying attention.
what were you saying?” I asked him and he smiled.
just saying that you are really talented. These pictures are brilliant.”
… thank you,” I replied hesitantly. I was still nervous of him.
could paint a picture of me,” he smiled.
well … I am … I don´t think …”
ok. I was joking,” he laughed. “Why are you so nervous?”
am not nervous.”
you are,” he smirked. “It is because of me?”
should go,” I said and stood up.
he caught my hand and stopped me from going away. “What´s your name?”
Theressa. But my friends call me Tessa.”
Liam. Can I call you Tessa?”
I guess we are friends,” he smiled. He was so adorable. I couldn´t think about
anything but his beautiful eyes. I was standing like a statue looking to his face
and not saying anything. He wasn´t neither. Suddenly the other door opened and
the head showed up.
we should go to MSG,” Niall said and disappeared. I wasn´t sure if he even saw
me. I used Liam´s inattention and went down the stairs. But I didn´t get far.
wait,” he said. “Will I see you again?”
suppose so,” I smiled when the upcoming event came to my mind. “Bye, Liam,” I
waved and disappeared. When I got to the room, I shut the door and I tried to
slow down my breath and heartbeat. But I couldn´t. I smiled to myself and went
to the room to check on the girls. But they were not there…
Wow! Zatiaľ je to super :) A prekvapivo sa mi to podarilo preložiť O.o :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťTeším sa na ďalšiu časť :3
vdaka :)
OdstrániťJeeej je to super a ani neni ťažké ju preložiť a v mojom prípade je to zázrak:) teším sa na ďalšiu :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťďakujem :) snažila som sa ju písať ľahko :)
Odstrániťskvělé.....už se těším na další část :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťdikes :)
Odstrániťvýborne :) dúfam, ze dalšiu čast pridáš čoskoro :) a mimochodom, skvelá angličtina :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťaj ja dúfam :) a dakujem pekne
Odstrániťpripajam sa :) a naozaj slusna anglictina ;)
Odstrániťďakujem :)
OdstrániťAaawr:33 Skvele uzasne dokonale!!:333 Teším sa na ďalsiu:33 Sen too:33333
ďakujem :)
OdstrániťJe to dokonalé ...dokonca som tomu bez problémov rozumela a to zase až tak dobrá v
OdpovedaťOdstrániťangličtine nie som :))
dakujem krásne :)
OdstrániťTento komentár bol odstránený autorom.
OdpovedaťOdstrániť:D :D a to je aká? :) dakujem
OdstrániťTento komentár bol odstránený autorom.
Odstrániťawwww :33 úúúplne brutálne :D mám výraz šialenca, ktorý práve zdrhol z Pezinku :D úúúpne dokonalé a aj anglinu máš super :D iba dve chyby som našla :D dokonalé a veeeeeľmi sa teším na pokračovanie :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťdakujem krásne :) aké ak sa môžem spýtať, aby som sa ich potom vyvarovala :)
Odstrániťtuto to je :) 1) veta What was there written má byť What was written there, lebo miesto ide ako posledné 2) potom She loved them je v minulosti to je akoby ich mala niekedy rada čiže She loves them 3) I can't believe it, she kept repeating it, má byť bez toho posledného it, lebo tam nesedí čiže I can't believe it, she kept repeating 4) potom ako Tessa ukladá Chloe na gauč Máš tam vetu She didn't wanted the world .... na začiatku máš dvojitý minulý čas a myslím si že tá veta by bola lepšia ak by bola prítomná čiže She doesn't want the world ... 5) I sit down on the staircase and forget about the time. by bola lepšia v minulosti aby ti to pasovalo so zvyškom textu I sat down on the staircase and forgot about the time. 6) “Sorry, what were you saying?” by lepšie znela Sorry, what did you say ale toto je len tvoja voľba :) 7) I couldn´t think about anything but his beautiful eyes. to but tam nesedí takže I couldn´t think about anything except for his beautiful eyes. 8) He wasn´t neither dvojitý zápor nemôžeš nikdy mať (ale to vieš :D) takže He wasn´t either :) toť vše, teda dúfam :D
OdstrániťĎakujem ti krásne :) keď to teraz znovu čátam tak tam tie chyby takmer všetky vidím :D nechápem no ... som si to mala asi ešte raz prečítať :) vďaka
OdstrániťMáš brutálne dobrú angličtinu :3 a ten príbeh? WOW! inak tá baba vyzerá úplne ako El (teda ak to neni ona) :D brutál čosi ty to riadne ďaleko dosiahneš :))
OdpovedaťOdstrániťďakujem pekne :)
OdstrániťJe to strašne super ;) Prajem ti aby si to ditiahla čo najďalej :) Pretože máš neskutočný talent ! :) :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťďakujem krásne :)
OdstrániťAaaaa to je uplne mega !!! Tesim sa na pokracko :3 uzasne to je :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťĎakujem :)
OdstrániťLali, toto bolo dokonalé, tvoje písanie ma fascinuje, ako som si zbežne prečítala tvoje nové veci, máš naozaj obrovský talent, vidím, že ťa to veľmi baví a prajem ti veľa šťastia, dúfam, že sa niekde uchytíš a onedlho ti pošlem knihu na podpis! :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťheh :) ďakujem krásne ... baví baví a dúfam že ani nepredstane aspoň ako hobby nie :)
Odstrániťškoda, že to je po anglicky...:/ ja som sa tak tešila, že si ho prečítam :/ ..ale no čo už
OdpovedaťOdstrániťkeď ju dokončím, tak ju možno preložim :)